OCT Solutions: Unlocking the Power of Steering Mirrors

This week, we will continue our discussion of fast steering mirrors. If you missed our last article, go ahead and read about steering mirrors for laser marking. Here, we will discuss the design requirements for steering mirrors in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). If you are not familiar with scanning microscopy (the basis of OCT), please […]
The Ultimate Benefits of Multiphysics Design You Need to Know

Multiphysics simulations are a fundamental part of our optical design process in Zemax. We use these simulations to evaluate optical performance, whether in terms of aberrations for imaging systems or power efficiency for non-imaging systems. The Importance of Multiphysics Simulations in Optical Design There are situations however in which a purely optical simulation is not […]
Unlocking Risley Prisms Precision in Optical Steering OFH

Introduction Previous posts have explained reflective, anamorphic and dispersive prisms and their use in optical systems. Today we will explain a prism configuration called Risley Prism. A Risley prism is actually two wedge prisms close to each other that can be rotated independently. This configuration was first used in optometry to measure the misalignment of […]
Understanding Opto-Mechanical Design: Examples and Definitions

Opto mechanical design overview and definitions In an opto-mechanical design we work on the positioning of optical elements such as lenses, filters, beamsplitters, reflectors, and diffractive elements in mechanical structures that will allow the optical system to perform correctly. A typical opto-mechanical design package would include: Need assistance designing a custom optic or imaging lens? […]